An Artist Community

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For Autumn 2020 we had plans to have our first solo artist exhibition in the house, with the wonderful Norman Long. This was to be the first of many with the aim of building a real community of artists and art lovers around The Artistry House.

However, Covid-19 has potentially put a stop to that, or at least changed the intent of it for the immediate future.

But on a positive note, this has pushed us into thinking things a little differently and with isolation being the current thing for many and forced to have meetings via a series of various conversational platforms, we thought we’d build our own series of artist interviews. Starting with Norman.

So in the coming weeks and months we aim to build these conversations across our social media channels, and from there develop an ongoing series of more in depth films about artists that interest us. So please keep an eye on events. 

Watch the first in the series here

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Rebecca Robinson